Your Questions Answered
Frequently Asked Questions
Students 19 and older are eligible to take our 36 or 40 Hour Adult Driving Program in which you can qualify for the Tennessee Road Test. If you feel this is something you don’t need then we offer Private Driving based on hourly rate of $75.00.
Please download this 7 page document that contains details about applying for your license in the Memphis, TN area.
Click Here to download the PDF with DMV required documents and locations.
Yes we can. We have met strict guidelines and The State of Tennessee Department of Safety has licensed us as a Cooperative Driver Testing Program Agency. The student needs to be 15 years and 6 months old or older at time of DRIVING test, completed the 36 hour class with a passing grade, and have held a Tennessee Written State Permit more than 6 months prior to the students date of birth (16 years old) to qualify for the DRIVING Test with Maxwell Driving School.
No we cannot. As of December 29th 2017, no driving schools in the state of Tennessee are allowed to give the state WRITTEN LEARNERS PERMIT test. All students must take the state WRITTEN LEARNERS PERMIT test at the DMV. The driving school prepares all students to take the State Written Learners Permit Test at the DMV.
Yes, we do. Please check the main menu of this website.
We no longer offer Stick shift driving at our school. The primary reason there is not enough demand to warrant the expense of the driving equipment to teach Stick driving safely. We can not use personal cars to instruct for they lack the equipment we need to instruct safely.
No we do not. You will need to come to our training facilities located at the Agricenter International.
All of our instructors are certified by the Tennessee Department of Safety as per state law. Several of our Instructors are also certified Instructors from the National Safety Council. In addition many of our instructors are fireman and police officers and teachers.
It’s federal law. U.S. Code Title 42, Section 666, Paragraph 13, enacted in 1996, requires social security numbers to be recorded for “any applicant for a professional license, driver’s license, occupational license, recreational license or marriage license.”
We still pay our instructors for the lesson. We book our lessons in advance and reserve time with our instructors. When you do not show up it causes the instructor to lose hours and often have an empty gap in their schedule. We also have to take the time to reschedule the student again and we have to pay the instructor again for driving lessons that should already be completed.
No you do not. Your child can come to our school which prepares them to take the State Written Learners Permit Test at the DMV.
To reduce mistakes and better serve all students we now offer convenient 24/7 online scheduling.
Presently the only driving time we make over the phone is the Tennessee Road Test once the student has completed all other requirements.
Unless it is extremely bad weather we will continue as scheduled. It is better for the student to experience different weather conditions with a trained instructor rather than having to experience it on their own the first time.
After you have registered for a class you will receive an email with login information for our online scheduling portal.
To schedule your students driving appointments, go to our website at and click on the Student/Parent Login button, (orange button, top/right of the page). This will take you to the “Student Login” page.
Fill in your User Name and Password. The login information was emailed to you and/or your student. (If you forgot or cannot find the email, send a password request to our office at [email protected] and we can send you the information again.)
Once logged into your account, on the upper left side of the page, click on “Schedule My Simulator”. Choose a date and time for the appointment. It does not matter which Simulator you choose (Sim 1, Sim 2, Sim 3, or Sim 4). Click the “schedule” button on the bottom of the page. Please note the date of the appointment.
On the upper left side of the page, click on “Schedule My Drive”. Choose your DRIVING appointments starting AFTER the Simulator appointment date. (The Simulator appointment needs to be the first appointment the student attends.) Click the “schedule” button of the bottom of the page. Schedule 4 (1 hour) driving appointments.
Once the student has completed all driving appointments, the Road Test can be scheduled by calling the office. There is a $60.00 fee to administer the Road Test. The Road Test is the ONLY appointment scheduled by phone.
Driving appointments fill quickly. Please schedule ALL of your student appointments as soon as possible. You have many more options available for appointments the sooner you schedule ALL of the student appointments. If you do not like the schedule created or want to cancel or reschedule an appointment, click on either “Schedule My Simulator” (for Simulator) or “Schedule My Drive” (for Driving), top left side of the page. You can choose to Cancel or Reschedule the appointment. (Please note, appointments must be cancelled or rescheduled PRIOR TO 48 hours of the appointment time. If less than 48 hours, the fee of $50 is added to the account to reschedule or to cancel an appointment.)
The student has to hold the learner’s permit for six months and be 16 years old to be able to move up to the Restricted License.
Yes please get with us and we can reschedule the class time.
No. All driving is scheduled to begin after the last day of class.
Yes. Mississippi residents are eligible to take the course.
You need to bring a pen or pencil to take notes. You also need to bring a notebook in which to take notes for class. If you have a Learners Permit we need a copy. Same for a Social Security Number, it is required by law for us to be able to send your paper work to the state. A light jacket since the classroom can be cool at times. Also, bring a lunch, drinks, and snacks.
The student will need to have the Permit before the last driving date AND hold the Written Learners Permit more than 6 months prior to the students date of birth (16 years old) to qualify for the DRIVING Test with Maxwell Driving School.
The leading cause of death for teenagers is not drugs, its not guns or violence. Its car crashes. A classroom of school aged children die every single day in car crashes. Last year in Tennessee 200 teenagers died in car crashes. You want to give your child the best chance of not getting involved in a deadly crash. Our course will give them that chance.
Yes, your child will receive six hours of behind the wheel driving with our instructors. 2 Hours behind the wheel will be on our S2300 Simulators. 4 Hours behind the wheel are on the road based on student driving skills.